Exhibition Products

An Ultra-Wideband Activity Monitoring System for Solitary Elderly

Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM)
LSCM has developed a monitoring system to measure the activity levels of older people and detect any abnormal conditions by using state of-the-art ultra-wideband (UWB) and signal processing technologies. The users need not wear any device, the UWB radars installed in the system use sub-cm-order time-of-flight information to determine their breathing rate and track their location. The data collected can also be analyzed to provide activity-tracker style-alike measurements of sleep duration and daily activity levels. Daily activity goals can thus be recommended to encourage users to exercise and improve sleep quality. This low-cost and privacy preserving system provides real-time feedback to help caretakers provide efficient remote monitoring service of the elderly. In 2018, Ultra-Wideband Activity Monitoring System for Solitary Elderly won the gold medal at the Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions.
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