Exhibition Products

Electronic Health Management

eHM is a one-stop elderly and rehab home management system incorporating IOT solutions, with functions include: total drug management system using QR code (Medsupack®) for e-signature and audit trail; vital signs measurements using smart meters, smartphones as gateway to record directly into clients’ files without typing; touchscreen interface daily activity monitoring; financial and inventory accounting; group activities (such as singing classes) management; electronic individual care plan management; and report generation to satisfy the requirement of the Social Welfare Department HKSAR. eHM was launched in 2016 and is an integration of ICT, hardware, and human activity. It introduces a novel drug dispensing protocol, together with a patented drug box design and bespoke software. eHM uses QR code technology to ensure that the correct medication is delivered by the right carer, to the right resident, at the right time, and in the right amount. Any exceptions to the expected are recorded. Any drug interactions are highlighted. eHM pioneers the use of wireless vital measurements to be used in Hong Kong’s community care, any readings taken are recorded paperlessly in the cloud. Drugs, vital signs, and activities are correlated. In additional to the vital sign data and drug history, eHM also provides a platform for scheduling everyday care (patient flipping and wound management) and record long term care assessments (for example, mental and emotional wellbeing). We shall also exhibit facial recognition for anti-wandering and fall-preventing wheelchair.
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